2017: 100 Book Challenge

Hello! Welcome to another 2017 round-up post. I’ve already done a post about my favorite and least favorite movies of the 2017 and now it is time for my list of book for this year. I don’ really post about books on this blog (I write short comments about them on Instagram as @sharingshelves) butContinueContinue reading “2017: 100 Book Challenge”

2016: 100 Book Challenge

Hello! The end of the year usually means a lot of looking-back/reflection/summary posts. This one is no exception. Also, if you ever needed more proof that I am a gigantic nerd, this is it. At the beginning of the year, I raised myself a challenge – to read 100 books and to keep track of them.ContinueContinue reading “2016: 100 Book Challenge”

Movie review: Minions

Hello! I’ve just came out of the cinema where I’ve watched probably the most anticipated animated movie of the summer – Minions! Let’s review it. To begin it, I really liked the Despicable Me movie and its sequel. For me personally, the first Despicable Me film is one of the best animated films of theContinueContinue reading “Movie review: Minions”

Movie review: Far from the Madding Crowd

Hello! Let’s take a break from big summer blockbusters and Hollywood comedies and review a British independent film Far from the Madding Crowd, which might be an awards contender later this year. To begin with, I would like to admit that I am a huge fan of British classical literature, I especially adore the novelsContinueContinue reading “Movie review: Far from the Madding Crowd”

Movie review: The Boxtrolls (+The Equalizer)

Hello! First of all, I would like to apologize for not posting much this week. The reason why I did that is because my laptop crashed and it was being repaired for a whole week.  I don’t have a spare one and I could hardly prepare a proper post of my phone. Anyway, let’s getContinueContinue reading “Movie review: The Boxtrolls (+The Equalizer)”

Sightseeing: Turkey

Hello! I hope that you are having a great Monday wherever you live. Currently, it is Monday evening in Lithuania and I am relaxing after a long hard day at school. The school stuff wasn’t really that hard but I am also sick, I have a cold and terrible headache so that certainly didn’t addContinueContinue reading “Sightseeing: Turkey”

Collection: Posters + other wall decorations

Hello!Welcome to another segment of Collections. I have shared my nail polish and postcards’ collection with you before but now I will show you my room’s wall decorations. Mostly, my walls are covered with posters that represent all of my obsessions (TV shows, movies, books, comics, singers and so forth). All of the posters areContinueContinue reading “Collection: Posters + other wall decorations”