Sightseeing: Turkey

Hello! I hope that you are having a great Monday wherever you live. Currently, it is Monday evening in Lithuania and I am relaxing after a long hard day at school. The school stuff wasn’t really that hard but I am also sick, I have a cold and terrible headache so that certainly didn’t addContinueContinue reading “Sightseeing: Turkey”

Sightseeing: Prienai, Lithuania – Family day celebration

Good morning/day/evening my dear readers! Today I prepared a very short (text wise) post with a lot of photos from my previous trip around Lithuania, my country. On the last day of spring, me and my family and my godmother’s family went to Prienai: a really tiny resort city in the south/central part of Lithuania.ContinueContinue reading “Sightseeing: Prienai, Lithuania – Family day celebration”

Sightseeing: Birštonas city, Lithuania

This past weekend, I have visited my aunt who lives in Birštonas – a small resort type city in the southern part of Lithuania. This visit gave me an idea to start new series of post called: Sightseeing. I will try to tell you about places I have seen and have visited across Lithuania asContinueContinue reading “Sightseeing: Birštonas city, Lithuania”