Extraordinary Cinema Review II (The Shows of Shows + Persepolis)

Hello! I’m continuing my series of indie foreign films that I’ve started yesterday. My previous post and the reasons behind me doing this review series are here. The previous two films I discussed both belong to the narrative cinema genre, so they were fairly close the mainstream. However, these two are more outside the box: oneContinueContinue reading “Extraordinary Cinema Review II (The Shows of Shows + Persepolis)”

Sightseeing: Turkey

Hello! I hope that you are having a great Monday wherever you live. Currently, it is Monday evening in Lithuania and I am relaxing after a long hard day at school. The school stuff wasn’t really that hard but I am also sick, I have a cold and terrible headache so that certainly didn’t addContinueContinue reading “Sightseeing: Turkey”

Movie review: Rise+Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Hello!I remember watching Tim Burton’s Planet of the Apes as a child and not sleeping for a few days afterwards. With these bad memories from childhood I decide to challenge myself and try the newest Apes’ edition. I hope you enjoy my reviews!Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011).From quite inexperienced director Rupert WyattContinueContinue reading “Movie review: Rise+Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”

Movie review: Need for Speed movie

       I will admit, I really did not expected anything good from this movie just because it was inspired by a computer game with the same name. My dad asked me to go with him , so I figured if the movie is not great I just simply will have some father-daughter timeContinueContinue reading “Movie review: Need for Speed movie”