Musings After Reading #3: On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous (Vuong)

Hello! I’m back to tell you about another book and this time, it might be my favourite book I’ve came across this year so far! Ocean Vuong’s ‘On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous’ (amazing title btw) is a collection of short letter from the author to his mother (primarily), detailing his memories of both her andContinueContinue reading “Musings After Reading #3: On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous (Vuong)”

Extraordinary Cinema Review II (The Shows of Shows + Persepolis)

Hello! I’m continuing my series of indie foreign films that I’ve started yesterday. My previous post and the reasons behind me doing this review series are here. The previous two films I discussed both belong to the narrative cinema genre, so they were fairly close the mainstream. However, these two are more outside the box: oneContinueContinue reading “Extraordinary Cinema Review II (The Shows of Shows + Persepolis)”