Musings After Reading #3: On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous (Vuong)

Hello! I’m back to tell you about another book and this time, it might be my favourite book I’ve came across this year so far! Ocean Vuong’s ‘On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous’ (amazing title btw) is a collection of short letter from the author to his mother (primarily), detailing his memories of both her andContinueContinue reading “Musings After Reading #3: On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous (Vuong)”

100 songs for the 2010s: Beyoncé’s ‘Formation’ #9

Hello! And welcome to #9 entry of the project! As hinted in the ending of #8, the ninth song of the list is the anthem of modern female empowerment – specifically the empowerment of women of colour. It’s Beyoncé’s ‘Formation’. Truthfully speaking, I feel hesitant to speak about Beyonce and her music as I amContinueContinue reading “100 songs for the 2010s: Beyoncé’s ‘Formation’ #9”

5 ideas about a movie: Green Book

Hello! And welcome to a peculiarly positive movie on race. This is Green Book! IMDb summary: A working-class Italian-American bouncer becomes the driver of an African-American classical pianist on a tour of venues through the 1960s American South. Green Book was written by Nick Vallelonga, Brian Hayes Currie, and Peter Farrelly, who also directed the film.ContinueContinue reading “5 ideas about a movie: Green Book”

Movie review: Mudbound

Hello! Before I start reviewing the major awards contenders, let’s look at one that is on the fringe of the awards voters radar. It’s the Netflix awards offering – Mudbound. IMDb summary: Two men return home from World War II to work on a farm in rural Mississippi, where they struggle to deal with racism andContinueContinue reading “Movie review: Mudbound”

5 ideas about a movie: Loving

Hi! Welcome to a review of a film that started the trend of a different kind of ‘race’ movie being nominated for the big awards. No longer are the films about slavery or the civil rights moments the only ones that the African-American talent can get nominated for. This is a review of Loving. IMDbContinueContinue reading “5 ideas about a movie: Loving”

Movie review: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 

Hey Hey Hey! The wait is finally over! We now have a movie that shows the two greatest superheroes fighting one another. Without further ado, let’s dig-in into Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. IMDb summary: Fearing the actions of Superman are left unchecked, Batman takes on the man of steel, while the world wrestles withContinueContinue reading “Movie review: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice “