Movie review: Stronger

Hello! Welcome to a review of the second Boston Marathon bombing biopic. It’s Stronger. IMDb summary: Stronger is the inspiring real-life story of Jeff Bauman, an ordinary man who captured the hearts of his city and the world to become a symbol of hope after surviving the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. Just last year (or at theContinueContinue reading “Movie review: Stronger”

Fall Run 2016

Hello! Welcome to the last sports update post this summer. Well, it’s technically no longer summer, but, to me, the autumn doesn’t start until I leave for Scotland and that’s only happening on Tuesday. Anyway, today’s entry is dedicated to another running event I participated in – in my native language, it’s called Azuolyno Begimas whichContinueContinue reading “Fall Run 2016”

Another Night Run 2016 

Hello! About a month ago, I told you about a charity night run that I participated in. Well, yesterday, I did another night run and I would like to share this experience with you. This particular night run was organized by the same people who arranged last year’s end of summer night run. In 2015,ContinueContinue reading “Another Night Run 2016 “

Movie review: Star Trek Beyond

Hello Hello Hello! Welcome to another blockbuster review of this summer! This time, we’re talking about a film which I was really excited about and couldn’t wait to see – Star Trek Beyond! So, let’s go! IMDb summary: The USS Enterprise crew explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a new ruthless enemyContinueContinue reading “Movie review: Star Trek Beyond”

Productive 24 hours

Hello! This is another short update post which belongs to the sports category. I wanted to quickly tell you that I participated in another charity run – this time, it was a night run organized by a newly established motivational club. The event was advertised solely on facebook and 300 people actually answered the inviteContinueContinue reading “Productive 24 hours”

Swiss Swimming Marathon 2016

Hi! This is just a quick update post for those who actually read my writings about sports events (thank you, BTW)! I started my 8th open water swimming season by participating in the 7th annual Swiss Swimming Marathon. The marathon was started in 2010 and I haven’t missed a single one of them. Usually, theContinueContinue reading “Swiss Swimming Marathon 2016”

Kaunas Marathon 2016

Hello! Welcome to another running post. This one is dedicated to the 4th annual Kaunas Running Marathon.  The marathon was started in 2013 and I’ve participated in all 4 of them, running either 10km or 5km distance. It is the biggest running event in my hometown as well as the 3rd biggest running competition inContinueContinue reading “Kaunas Marathon 2016”

Marathon: 5 km for Lithuania

Hello! Welcome to another short descriptive post about a running event that I participated in – 5 km fun for Lithuanians of the World. Without further ado, let’s begin!On June 4th, I ran 5 km for my country alongside other Lithuanians from all over the world. Let me explain. Every year, during summer, amateur LithuanianContinueContinue reading “Marathon: 5 km for Lithuania”

Movie review: X-Men: Apocalypse

Hello! Welcome to the 4th comic book movie review of 2016! This time, we are discussing the latest entry into the X-Men franchise – Apocalypse. IMDb summary: With the emergence of the world’s first mutant, Apocalypse, the X-Men must unite to defeat his extinction level plan. Background X-Men was probably the first superhero trilogy that IContinueContinue reading “Movie review: X-Men: Apocalypse”

Christmas Run: Aberdeen Santa Run 2015 

Hello! Welcome to another post about a running event! My last post on running was published  back in September, when I participated in the Night Run just before I left Lithuania, and you can find it here. Since then, I have literally been jogging only 3-5 times, so I wasn’t in my best shape forContinueContinue reading “Christmas Run: Aberdeen Santa Run 2015 “