Movie review: Moana

Hello! The long awaited and newest Disney Princess movie – Moana – has reached theaters, so, let’s talk about it! IMDb summary: In Ancient Polynesia, when a terrible curse incurred by Maui reaches an impetuous Chieftain’s daughter’s island, she answers the Ocean’s call to seek out the demigod to set things right. Moana is, technically, a 13th Disney PrincessContinueContinue reading “Movie review: Moana”

Movie review: Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation + a look back

Hello! The latest sequel of the beloved 90s franchise rolls into theaters this weekend, so I’ve decided to spend my Thursday re-watching the first four entries of the series, despite the fact that Mission: Impossible films aren’t known for being very connective to each other. The only things they have in common are the sameContinueContinue reading “Movie review: Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation + a look back”

Movie review: San Andreas 

Hello! I’ve finally found time to watch the newest disaster movie and this is going to be my review. I know that I am more than 3 weeks late but better late than never. Let’s go! IMDb summary: In the aftermath of a massive earthquake in California, a rescue-chopper pilot makes a dangerous journey acrossContinueContinue reading “Movie review: San Andreas “