5 ideas about a movie: Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool

Hi! Welcome to a review of a film with the best title ever. This is Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool. IMDb summary: A romance sparks between a young actor and a Hollywood leading lady. Film Stars Don’t Die In Liverpool was written by Matt Greenhalgh (the British cinema writer). As the name suggests, this was a filmContinueContinue reading “5 ideas about a movie: Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool”

Movie review: Fantastic Four

Hello! So, the time has come to review the last comic book movie of this summer and probably the most disappointing one. Let’s go meet the not so fantastic Fantastic Four. To begin with, Fantastic Four is actually the first comic book that I have ever read. I also loved the animated series when I wasContinueContinue reading “Movie review: Fantastic Four”