5 ideas about a movie: Kubo and The Two Strings

Hello! Let’s review a possible Best Animated Feature nominee that came out a few months ago – Kubo and The Two Strings. IMDb summary: A young boy named Kubo must locate a magical suit of armor worn by his late father in order to defeat a vengeful spirit from the past. 2016 has been a strongContinueContinue reading “5 ideas about a movie: Kubo and The Two Strings”

The Awards Season Round-Up 2016

Hello Hello Hello! Welcome to the last (finally) post dedicated to the awards’ season. This time, I won’t be reviewing any nominated motion pictures (I have done that already), but I  will tell you my own personal winners and will list all the others films in a very subjective order in each category. I amContinueContinue reading “The Awards Season Round-Up 2016”