100 songs for the 2010s: Camila Cabello feat. Young Thug’s ‘Havana’ #14

Hello! And welcome to #14 entry – Camila Cabello feat. Young Thug’s ‘Havana’ – a song that you have certainly had stuck in your head at some point or another. Not an instant hit upon release but a song with staying power, ‘Havana’ presents a trend already covered at #8 – Latin American influenced music’s impactContinueContinue reading “100 songs for the 2010s: Camila Cabello feat. Young Thug’s ‘Havana’ #14”

100 songs for the 2010s: Becky G & Natti Natsha’s ‘Sin Pijama’ #8

Hello! We are already on #8. Struggling but going strong. We are discussing Becky G & Natti Natsha’s ‘Sin Pijama’. Another recent entry into the list (released in 2018), ‘Sin Pijama’ showcases another change in the popular music of the last decade (in addition to the genre-defying changes of #7). Sung entirely in Spanish, ‘SinContinueContinue reading “100 songs for the 2010s: Becky G & Natti Natsha’s ‘Sin Pijama’ #8”