100 songs for the 2010s: Camila Cabello feat. Young Thug’s ‘Havana’ #14

Hello! And welcome to #14 entry – Camila Cabello feat. Young Thug’s ‘Havana’ – a song that you have certainly had stuck in your head at some point or another. Not an instant hit upon release but a song with staying power, ‘Havana’ presents a trend already covered at #8 – Latin American influenced music’s impactContinueContinue reading “100 songs for the 2010s: Camila Cabello feat. Young Thug’s ‘Havana’ #14”

MTV European Music Awards 2014

Hi! I previously did a review of VMAs 2014 and MTV Movie Awards 2014, so, I decided to review EMAs as well. Especially, when it’s the only award’s show that happens almost in my time zone and I don’t need to get up at the middle of the night to watch it live. This years showContinueContinue reading “MTV European Music Awards 2014”

MTV Video Music Awards 2014

A while ago, I did a short review of MTV Movie Awards and decided to do the same for VMAS 2014. I was planning to do review of Teen Choice Awards 2014 but there was just too much drama surrounding TCAs and Team Internet and I thought that my blog post would just turn intoContinueContinue reading “MTV Video Music Awards 2014”